SOBE I.T. Computer Repair 719-747-3980 Call to schedule your repair.
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At SOBE I.T. Computer Repair, we're dedicated to providing you with timely service and support. For all inquiries and requests, you may use the contact form below, or contact us directly:

SOBE I.T. Computer Repair

4509 Frost Dr

Colorado Springs, CO 80916


Phone: 719 747-3980 (Call or text)


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Computer Problems?

SOBE I.T. Computer Repair can help! Call or text our tech line now:


719 747-3980


$60 flat rate (parts extra) to do whatever it takes to get the computer running right!

or send us an email.


SOBE I.T. Computer Repair

4509 Frost Dr

Colorado Springs, CO 80916


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